Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kenyataan Rasmi: PACE menyokong pendirian HAMAS berkaitan isu negara Palestin (sempena ulangtahun penubuhan HAMAS)

PACE mengucapkan tahniah kepada Harakat-ul-Muqawwamat al Islamiyah (HAMAS) atas ulangtahun kelahirannya pada 14 Disember. HAMAS muncul secara rasmi di persada tanah air Palestin pada tarikh tersebut pada tahun 1987 sempena tercetusnya Intifadhah pertama yang bermula pada 9 Disember tahun tersebut. Intifadah telah mengambalikan perjuangan Palestin di atas landasannya yang sahih iaitu jihad tanpa kompromi untuk membebaskan seluruh bumi Palestin dari cengkaman dan pendudukan haram Zionis israel semenjak tahun 1948.

Perdana Menteri Ismail Haniyeh di dalam ucapan sambutan ulang tahun penubuhan HAMAS menegaskan bahawa mereka sekali-kali tidak akan mengiktiraf bahkan tidak mengakui kewujudan Israel sebagai entiti haram di atas bumi palestin. Pendudukan haram israel tidak akan berlanjutan di masa hadapan dan seluruh bumi palestin dari laut (Mediterranean) ke sungai (Jordan) akan dibebaskan. "from the sea to the river; from 'Rosh haNikra to Rafah'. Sehubungan dengan itu beliau memuji jihad bersenjata yang diterajui oleh sayap ketenteraan HAMAS iaitu Brigade al-Qassam yang sehingga kini telah berjaya membunuh 1,349 tentera zionis. Beliau juga memberi pujian kepada usaha penentangan di Iraq dengan menegaskan bahawa jalan perjuangan bagi umat Islam dalam menghadapi musuh-musuhnya hanyalah dengan jihad fi sabilillah. Sanjungan juga dikalungkan kepada Syeikh Raed Salah, pemimpin gerakan Islam palestin 1948, yang mengambil tanggungjawab jihad mempertahankan Masjid al-Aqsa dan al-Haram As-Syarif al-Quds, yang dibebaskan dari penjara Israel. Beliau juga merakamkan ucapan penghargaan kepada rakyat Palestin yang hidup di wilayah palestin 1948 yang disifatkan hidup di dalam 'perut raksasa' (Levathian - biblical sea monster)

Dalam semangat yang sama beliau menyeru kepada Mahmud Abbas dan kelompok Fatah supaya tidak lagi bersekongkol dengan regim Zionis Israel dengan mengadakan kerjasama keselamatan dan mengadakan rundingan damai yang ternyata sia-sia dan merugikan perjuangan rakyat Palestin. Mereka diajak supaya kembali kepada usaha sebenar yang akan membebaskan bumi Palestin dan rakyatnya iaitu jihad atau penentangan.

Ismail Haniyeh juga menegaskan bahawa hak rakyat Palestin untuk pulang adalah hak asasi yang tidak bolih dipertikaikan oleh sesiapa. ia adalah hak mutlak rakyat Palestin yang terusir untuk kembali ke tanah air dan kampung halaman mereka.

PACE dengan ini menyokong penuh seruan dan saranan Perdana Menteri Ismail Haniyeh untuk tidak mengiktiraf Israel, meneruskan jihad ke arah pembebasan palestin dan hak rakyat Palestin untuk kembali ke tanah air mereka di bumi palestin.

PACE dengan ini mengiktiraf bahawa setiap inci bumi palestin yang terjajah semenjak tahun 1948 adalah bumi Palestin yang sah dan wajib dikembalikan kepada rakyat Palestin.

PACE menolak penubuhan negara Palestin berdasarkan sempadan tahun 1967 seperti yang diistiharkan oleh Mahmud Abbas. bagi PACE, pendirian kami adalah selaras dengan HAMAS iaitu negara Palestin berdasarkan sempadan tahun 1967 boleh diterima sebagai status sementara negara Palestin (berdasarkan resolusi 242 Majlis Keselamatan PBB 1967) dengan mewujudkan gencatan senjata bersama negara haram Palestin untuk satu tempoh yang disepakati.

PACE menyeru semua pihak terutama kelompok Fatah yang menerajui PNA (Pihak Berkuasa Palestin) supaya berhenti meletak sebarang harapan kepada rundingan damai yang ternyata tidak memberikan apa-apa faedah kepada perjuangan pembebasan Palestin. PACE mengingatkan 'rundingan damain' hanyalah perangkap yang dipasang oleh zionis dan sekutunya US untuk terus meredam bumi Palestin dalam pendudukan dan cengkaman yahudi zionis secara berterusan.

PACE menyeru umat islam seluruh dunia supaya bersatu di atas kalimah Lailahaillah dan melaungkan slogan 'al-jihad fi sabiluna' - jihad adalah jalan kami demi mempertahankan tanah suci umat Islam dan Masjid al-Aqsa.

PACE juga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menyatakan penghargaan yang tidak terhingga kepada masyarakat sipil (madani) yang terdiri dari kalangan NGO dan palbagai inisiatif lain yang diterajui oleh warga dunia, samada di kalangan muslim dan bukan Islam yang telah menyumbang tenaga, kewangan bahkan meletakkan nyawa mereka dalam keadaan terancam melalui misi-misi penghantaran bantuan makanan, ubat-ubatan dan lain-lain keperluan asas yang amat diperlukan oleh penduduk Gaza yang terkepung dan dikenakan sekatan oleh regim kebinatangan zionis (Laknat Allah atas mereka semuanya). Usaha-usaha ini yang dijelmakan oleh VP (Viva Palestina), IHH (Turki), yang turut disertai oleh VPM, Aqsa Syarif, Haluan Palestin di Malaysia baik melalui Flotila LL4G (Lifeline for Gaza) di atas kapal Mavi Marmara, LandConvoy VP5 yang diterajui oleh VPM dan Aqsa Syarif (Aqsa2Gaza).

PACE juga mengucapkan tahniah kepada Muasassah al-Quds Malaysia yang rasmi penubuhannya pada 12 Disember 2010, sebagai cawangan kepada Muasassah al-Quds pusat yang diterajui oleh as-Syeikh Prof Dr Yusuf Al-Qardhawi. Penubuhan Muassasah al-Quds yang berjaya menggabungkan parti-parti politik baik parti politik pemerintah mahupun parti-parti bukan pemerintah dan juga pelbagai NGO seperti IKRAM, Aqsa Syarif, Syura, Haluan Palestin,  PGPF, Aman Malaysia dan banyak lagi pertubuhan yang bakal bersama adalah petanda jelas bahawa rakyat Malaysia akan menyertai warga dunia dalam satu keluarga antarabangsa yang bersiap sedia untuk membebaskan bumi palestin dan cengkaman zionis israel.

Prof Madya Dr Hj Hafidzi Mohd Noor
Palestine Centre of Excellence
14 Disember 2010

Breaking the siege of Gaza is high priority for Egypt’s young revolutionaries

Young participants in the 25th January Egyptian revolution have told the Palestine Information Centre that Egypt has been freed from a tyrannical regime and breaking the siege of Gaza is high on their list of priorities. Ousting Hosni Mubarak was difficult, they said, but it was just the beginning of the revolution, not the end. In Tahrir Square, they added, all sections of Egyptian society were united, including Muslims and Christians; leftists and members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ahmed Bahaauddin Shaaban, one of the founders of the Egyptian Movement for Change (Kifaya), told the PIC, “We took part in a real battle pitting the Egyptian people against the corrupt regime, which was heavily entrenched. However, the Egyptian people were able to uproot it.” The people of Egypt have taken one step on a long road, said Shaaban, by overthrowing a dictator and his oppressive regime. “However, we still have a lot to do. We have a programme for democracy, social reform, and the creation of a modern, developed state. We have shaken the regime, as can be seen clearly in the fall of its corrupt symbols.”

Mr. Shaaban warned that the struggle will be long. “The fall of an oppressive dictator like Mubarak affects the entire regime structure but we will be able to deal with its remnants,” he said. “In the past few days we have defeated the most oppressive forces in the country – the Central Security Force and the State Security Force – which have vanished into thin air.” So, he added, has the former ruling party, the National Democratic Party, which had three million members.

Arab issues are at the top of the revolution’s priorities, stressed Shaaban, and the people of the Gaza Strip are delighted by its success because they also suffered at the hands of Mubarak’s regime. “The people of Gaza will feel the effects of the revolution because the siege of Gaza will end and the kinship between the people of Egypt and Palestine will be restored.”

Amr Ibrahim, another of the young leaders of the revolution and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood chipped in: “The most important characteristic of this revolution was that it was impossible to tell people apart on the basis of which political movement they belonged to. Everyone in Tahrir Square was there under the banner ‘I am an Egyptian’. You couldn’t tell who was a leftist and who was a Muslim Brother, or who was a Christian and who was a Muslim.”

According to Mr. Ibrahim, the youth of the Muslim Brotherhood were involved in the revolution from its beginning on the 25th January having asked for permission from the movement’s leaders. As the demonstrations increased in intensity and the occupation of Tahrir Square by the demonstrators grew, instructions were given by the leadership of the Brotherhood to their younger members to enter Tahrir Square in great numbers. In the end, claimed Ibrahim, Muslim Brotherhood youth members made up between 40 and 50% of the demonstrators.

A spokesman for the 6th April Youth Movement asserted that the resignation of the president was not one of the demands of the youth of the revolution when they were preparing for the 25th January. “We wanted the sacking of the Interior Minister and the implementation of a court decision setting the minimum wage at 1200 Egyptian pounds per month,” said Ahmed Maher. “The groups taking part in the movement are very diverse but together they organised protests, using Facebook and on the ground, on the 25th January and on the Day of Anger on Friday 28th January, in addition to organising the million man demonstrations on the 1st February and the ‘Day of Departure’, 4th February.”

Maher believes that it is important for Egyptians to cooperate in planning Egypt’s future post-Mubarak; he proposed the formation of a delegation of youth and members of the Front for the Support of the Demands of the Revolutions to negotiate with the army’s leaders. It is necessary for the government of Egypt to be transferred to civilians, he said, adding that the revolutionary youth can still achieve a great deal in bringing forth the fruits of the revolution.

With regards to lifting the siege of Gaza, Maher said that the issue cannot be ignored. It is, he stressed, one of the demands of the revolution: “Pressure exerted by the revolutionaries as well as Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s call to end the siege has obliged the army to fulfil this demand.” It is time to end the suffering of the people of Gaza, he said. This, ended Maher, has made the government in Israel “fearful” of Egyptian youth. “If young Egyptians demonstrated on the borders of occupied Palestine,” he grinned, “I wouldn’t rule out the Zionists packing up and leaving.”

RAFAH, (PIC)– The Egyptian authorities on Tuesday opened the Rafah border crossing with Gaza Strip in both directions after three weeks of closure but to a limited number of people.

A Palestinian source said that the Egyptian authorities allowed only 300 passengers daily to cross the terminal, noting that the crossing was closed following the outbreak of the Egyptian revolution that ousted former president Hosni Mubarak.

He underlined that travel will be allowed only for patients, students, those with residence permits in Egypt, and holders of visit visas to other countries.

He noted that 3,000 Palestinians wishing to travel had registered with the borders authority over the past few days.